MegaSonixx I-Litter

Frog x cinna

Name: MegaSonixx D'Chocolate Frog

Health results:


ED 0/0

OCD free

Spondylosis free by Vet. - L7

LTV Type 0

Eyes 2023 clear

Gonioscopy 2023 clear

My Dog DNA Profile clear

Name: Darleyfalls Born With Style

Health results:


ED 0/0

OCD free

Spondylosis free

LTV Type 0

Eyes 2017, 2023 clear

Gonioscopy clear

My Dog DNA Profile clear

disney litter

Frog found her prince. So the motto of the litter is Disney prince and princesses. 

We are planning this litter end 2024. 

We awaiting little rockets. 

Frog is from D-litter (Hogwarts 1.0.) All of her siblings doing Agility, she is doing herding. 

Her father is our Beat. Who is related to Say from Tereza Kralova and Jack from Lisa Frick. 

The planned father is Cinna who is father from a lot of talented Agility and sport dogs. 

EO, to Norwegian Open to AWC and a lot of more. In this lines comes a lot of titles and talent together.

Cinna has a nice juming technique, is good builded, fast in Agility and has a super nice, stable character. 

 First I meet him at a Confirmation Show years ago. Sitting on a chair, let himself cuddling by strangers. 

My thanks goes to Nadine Alshut, who let me use him in my kennel.


In this litter are brown & white and black & white puppys. 

No tricolor! Hahaha - love that.

Maybe there will be some mottles. 

Both parents are clear for all testable genetically diseases. 

We are testing by My Dog DNA (incl. EAOD).

According anadune is the inbreeding by 1% with 12 generations.


Dear MegaSonixx Followers, 

wow wow wow, you have so many interest in this litter.

We are planning in 2025 this amazing litter and the list is still open, but good filled. 

It is a long time to this litter, so you are welcome to contact me because we know there is a lot of moving in this kind of lists. 



The list ist actually open but ONLY for males! 


Jennifer Matyba

Mühlentalstraße 27

57629 Wied


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