Pedigree-name: Borders At Work P´Love
Date of Birth: 10.10.2016
Colour: Black merle tan mottled, Medium coated
Height: 48 cm
Weight: 13,5 kg
Registration: VDH - ZBrH BOC 22254
DNA MDR1 +/+
DNA IGS normal
DNA TNS normal
DNA NCL5 normal
DNA CEA normal
DNA DM normal
DNA PLL normal
DNA MH normal
DNA SN normal
DNA BCG (Gonio) normal
DNA profile: Orivet 17-092743
DOK-eyetest: free 2017
Gonoskopia: free 2017
ED 0/0
OCD frei
Love is an incredible loveable bitch that always wants to please her dog handler and thereby is very easy to handle. In short: She is just a very good girl. Very friendly, open minded and docile she offers a lot more: she loves to work with and especially for her people. She ist very fast, agile, biddable and always focused. While herding she shows natural talent, a good working-distance to the sheeps, good flanks and a wonderful style. We´re just looking forward to the future with her.